
The preteen years can be a time of confusion and challenge for both preteens and their parents. It is during this time that children undergo psychological development, which can lead to changes in emotions, attitudes, and behaviours. In order to help guide our preteens through this important stage of life, it is important for us as parents to understand the psychological developments that occur during the preteen years.

Physical Changes During Preteen Years

First and foremost, it’s important to note that physical changes are taking place during the preteen years. This includes growth spurts, increased muscle mass and strength, as well as physical maturation including breast development in girls, increased body hair growth in boys, and an increase in acne in both sexes. While these physical changes may be uncomfortable or embarrassing for some children, they are normal parts of growing up. As parents, it is essential that we are understanding and supportive throughout these changes.

Cognitive Developmental Changes

In addition to physical changes during the preteen years, cognitive developmental changes also occur. With regards to cognition specifically, there is an increase in abstract thinking skills which allows children to think beyond concrete facts or information. This means that they can begin to look at problems from multiple angles or perspectives. Furthermore, their problem-solving skills improve significantly during this period of life as they learn how to analyze situations more effectively by exploring various solutions before arriving at a conclusion.

Preteens also become better at making decisions on their own and become more independent thinkers as a result of their cognitive developmental advances. Lastly, they become more aware of themselves and begin developing higher levels of self-esteem and confidence due to improved problem-solving abilities combined with increasing independence.

Emotional Developmental Changes

Finally, it is important to note that emotional developments also take place during the preteen years. These include increased anxiety caused by peer pressure or school performance issues; increased mood swings due to hormonal fluctuations; increased irritability due to personal boundaries being tested; increased sensitivity towards criticism; as well as difficulty controlling emotions such as anger or frustration when faced with difficult situations or challenging tasks. It is essential for us as parents to remain patient despite any emotional outbursts from our children so we can help them work through any issues they may have without feeling judged or ridiculed for doing so.

The preteen years are an incredibly important stage of life for children because of all the psychological developments taking place within them physically, cognitively ,and emotionally. It’s essential for us as parents to stay informed about these developments so we can provide appropriate guidance throughout this tumultuous but ultimately rewarding period of life!