
It’s tricky to know when the right time is to introduce our kids to skincare. When the first signs of those pesky pimples start showing it’s easy to bury our heads in the sand and pretend they aren’t all grown up. The other extreme, running out to the shops to find them a 12-step skincare routine, is not the answer either.

We recommend having a chat with your kids as a first step. Talk to them about how their skin might start changing and how keeping our skin clean and protected is helpful. The reaction you get will vary depending on the age, gender and personality of your little ones. If they are keen this can be a fun opportunity to spend some time together but if not, you can always try again in a few months. Some dermatologists recommend starting as early as 10-12 but it’s going to depend on the needs of each child.

If your pre-teen or teen is wanting to start a skincare routine, here are our top 3 tips:

KISS (keep it simple stupid!)

The TeenCo range was developed to be a simple 3-step system that covers all bases for growing skin; a gentle cleanser, a smoothing toner and a hydrating moisturiser. There are all sorts of fun and crazy skincare serums and masks out there which can be explored in time but for now, choosing a simple routine with products that are made for teen skin will keep breakouts and bad reactions at bay.

Its Self Care

If you’re worried that introducing a skincare routine will encourage your kids to fixate on appearance then make sure to talk to them about the non-aesthetic benefits of a skincare routine. Carving out a little time each day to take care of their skin means time spent reflecting and taking care of themselves which is great for mental health. You can also rest assured that they are setting themselves up for a lifelong positive relationship with their skin.

It’s Better Together

If your teens are not already too cool to hang out with you, suggesting doing your skin together each day or once a week provides a great opportunity to debrief on life and spend quality time together. You can head to this page on our website which lets you generate a random question which you can each answer to get the conversation flowing!