Never fear, we’ve put together a few resources to help you through some of the most complicated years of parenting. Make sure to get in touch and let us know what topic we should write about next!
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12 Days of Christmas skincare: Daily tips for clearer, happier skin
The Christmas season is magical, isn’t it? Twinkling lights, family traditions, and a whirlwind of celebrations. But amidst the joy, it can be easy to forget to slow down and take care of ourselves. For our teens, who often juggle school, friends, and their own...
The power of physical activity: Fun ways to stay active and energised
I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like life with teenagers is a whirlwind. They’re so full of energy, creativity, and passion then just like that, they’re out the door, off to explore the world. It can be a balancing act to encourage them to stay active...
Spring clean your skincare routine: What to keep, toss, and try
As the days grow warmer and the flowers begin to bloom, it’s not just your wardrobe that needs a refresh, your skincare routine deserves some spring cleaning too! Let’s dive into why this seasonal overhaul is important and how to keep your skin glowing all season...
5 Skincare myths debunked: What every teen and preteen needs to know
When it comes to skincare, the internet is flooded with advice, some helpful, some of it not so much. For teens and preteens navigating their way through these confusing waters, it can be hard to separate fact from fiction. That's where Teenco comes in, to debunk some...
Winter skincare tips for Aussie teens: Keep your glow even in the cold!
Winter in Australia might not be as frosty as in other parts of the world, but it can still be a challenging time for your skin. The cool air, increased indoor heating, and occasional wind can leave your skin feeling dry, flaky, and less vibrant than usual. But don't...
The Importance of Mum-Daughter Time
In the journey of life, few relationships rival the bond between a mother and her daughter. It's a connection woven with love, understanding, and shared experiences, shaping not just childhood memories but also laying the foundation for emotional resilience and...
How to use the TeenCo Toner
Welcome to TeenCo's ultimate guide to mastering your skincare routine with our signature Toner! In the quest for clear, radiant skin, a good toner is such a game changer, and when it comes to natural skincare that's gentle yet effective, our toner leads the way. In...
10 Skincare Ingredients Every Teen Should Know About
As teens navigate the world of skincare, understanding the ingredients in their products is crucial for achieving healthy and radiant skin. In this blog, we'll dive into the science behind 10 essential skincare ingredients, exploring their benefits and recommending...
Fall Into Radiance: TeenCo’s Essential Autumn Skincare Tips
As the vibrant hues of summer transition into the warm tones of autumn, it's time to adjust our skincare routines to embrace the changing season. Autumn brings its own set of skincare challenges, from cooler temperatures to drier air, but with the right tips and...
Eco-Friendly and Teen-Friendly: The Rise of Natural Skincare for Adolescents
In the bustling world of skincare, where countless products promise miraculous results, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by choices. As parents of teens and preteens, navigating this landscape can be particularly daunting. However, amidst the sea of options, there's one...
Unlocking your teen’s skin potential: A friendly guide to TeenCo skincare for every skin type
Welcome wonderful TeenCo parents old and new! If you're like me and you've watched your beautiful teens and preteens embark on the exhilarating journey of self-discovery you’ll know that it's a time filled with laughter, growth, and yes, a few skincare concerns here...
2024 and beyond: Building positive self esteem in teenage girls
Wow, can you believe it's 2024 already? As Aussie mums, we’re privileged to witness the growth, resilience, and incredible potential that our girls possess going from young kids to their pre teen/teenage years. But as we step into this new year, it's becoming clearer...
Summer-proof your skin, expert tips on keeping you cool this summer
Who doesn’t love a classic Australian summer right?! We do and we’re encouraging everyone to get out and have a great summer, but it’s important to be mindful of your skin over this period, check out some tips below on how to look after your skin during summer. 1. Use...
What’s going on in that head of yours?
Can you believe that we’re in November of 2023? Where have the last 10 years gone! The reality is that time has passed but also times have changed and a major topic in today's world is mental health. A previously overlooked and disregarded topic that has recently come...
The unintentional parental playbook for teenage skincare success
Parents are always telling their kids to eat healthy to grow big and strong, don’t stay up too late otherwise you’ll be tired and cranky tomorrow, and go outside to play to burn off some energy, and you know what they were right! But what parents wouldn't have been...
Skincare Through the Ages: How Teen Skincare Differs from Adult Skincare
Uncover the secrets behind teen and adult skincare routines. Learn why gentle care and hydration are vital for teenage skin, while adults focus on anti-ageing and deep hydration. Discover how to love the skin you’re in at every age!
Decode Your Skin Type: The Teen’s Guide to Understanding Their Skin
Hey there, skin-savvy teens! Whether you're fresh on the skincare scene or a seasoned beauty buff, knowing your skin type is your secret weapon to achieving a radiant complexion. And no, it's not as complicated as it sounds! In this guide, we'll help you decode your...
Caring for Teenage Skin in Winter: Chill out, QLD Style!
Hey there, sunny Queensland teens! Even though our winters don’t feature snowmen or ice skates, the season still makes its presence felt, doesn’t it? The mercury drops, the air dries up, and suddenly your skin is calling for a little extra TLC. Don’t stress, though! We’ve got some fun, practical tips on adapting your skincare routine for winter – QLD style!
Teaching Skincare Independence: How to Empower Your Teen to Take Charge of Their Skin Health
As a parent, teaching your teen about skincare independence is crucial for building a foundation of healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Empowering them to take charge of their skin health not only helps improve their complexion but also boosts their self-esteem...
Addressing Acne: A Parent’s Guide to Supporting Teenagers with Acne-Prone Skin
As a parent, it can be challenging to navigate the world of teenage skincare, especially when your child is dealing with acne-prone skin. Acne is a common concern among preteens and teenagers, and it's essential to provide the right support to help them manage this...
Understanding the Psychological Developments in Preteens
The preteen years can be a time of confusion and challenge for both preteens and their parents. It is during this time that children undergo psychological development, which can lead to changes in emotions, attitudes, and behaviours. In order to help guide our...
How to Prepare Your Preteen for Puberty
As a parent, you know that all too soon your kids will grow up, and the transition from childhood to adolescence can be overwhelming. One of the most challenging aspects of this transition is talking to your preteen about puberty. This can be a daunting task, but it’s...
Helping Preteens Establish New Habits
As preteens enter into adolescence, they start to become more independent and develop their own sense of identity. Therefore, it’s important for parents to help children learn how to establish good habits that will last them a lifetime. Although this can seem like a...
Should a Teenager Have a Skincare Routine?
It’s tricky to know when the right time is to introduce our kids to skincare. When the first signs of those pesky pimples start showing it’s easy to bury our heads in the sand and pretend they aren’t all grown up. The other extreme, running out to the shops to find...
Christmas Gifts for Teens
It can be tough to shop for teenagers. They are at that in-between stage where they are not quite children but not quite adults. And, of course, they always seem to have everything they could possibly want! If you're struggling to come up with ideas for what to get...
Building a Skincare Routine for Preteens
Just like adults, preteens need to take care of their skin. Your preteen may be starting to notice some changes in their skin. Maybe they're getting a few more pimples than usual, or their skin is feeling drier than it used to. These changes are normal, and there are...
Body Positivity for Teens
We have all looked in the mirror at some point and struggled to love what we see. Even as adults this is a skill a lot of us have yet to master. Now think back to you at 14, with hormones raging and every media outlet in the world telling you what your body should and...
Sex, Drugs, Rock n’ Roll: How to Tackle Difficult Topics with Teens
Talking with teens about what they want for dinner can be hard enough so it’s no wonder that Aussie parents dread ‘the talk’. It can be awkward, difficult and if your parents didn’t talk with you about things like sex and drugs then you don’t even have a script to...
Teens & Tragedy: How to Explain the News to Your Teen Daughter
When the first news stories of COVID hit in late 2019, we were all hooked. The news channel was on almost everywhere you went and even when you were safe from the TV, your phone was a constant reminder of the growing pandemic. Fast forward to mid-2020 and mental...
Talking & Connecting to Pre-teens and Beyond
You’re Not Alone “One day, my 11 year old turned into a monster, literally overnight. She was mean to her siblings, and just seemed….angry.”– Kendall, SheCo Founder This is a story we have heard so many times from mums whose pre-teens’ seem to jump from 10 to 25 in...